Wednesday 15 October 2008

Shifting Shores in the south west

The National Trust has just published this update report on its Shifting Shores campaign - the threats to our coast from climate change, sea level rise and increasing stormy weather . Both this report and the earlier national report can be downloaded from here.

The new report outlines lessons learnt already from work that the Trust has carried out. There are 5 critical messages.

1. Long term planning is essential
2. Work with nature not against it
3. Think and act in the wider context
4. Solutions need partnerships
5. Involving the public is critical.

The report also details 21 NT sites in the SW that are threatened by sea level rise. The report also poses 4 questions that need to be addressed.

1. How can people's awareness and understanding of the risks they face be raised?
2. What is the best way to decide the most sustainable approach to managing these risks?
3. How should tomorrow's coastline be managed today?
4. How can the costs of adaption be minimised and shared equitably?

Finally the report carries out an impact assessment covering

The impact on wildlife
The impact on the historic environment
The impact on the coastal economy
The impact on public access to the coast.

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