Friday 4 July 2008

Can Britain feed itself?

Excellent article from Land Magazine on this very topic - press here for a download.

This article is an update of paper written by Kenneth Melamby in 1975. It was published in the Land which is an excellent magazine.

A positive upbeat article - life under peak oil and climate change will be very different but we are not necessarily doomed!

Also see the Ecologist about how to feed ourselves organically

Don't let the GM lot fool you.

Peak oil theory in the main stream

New Scientist Magazine (28th June 2008) contains a six page article on peak oil and the consequences. Well worth a read. First time I have seen a peak oil in the 'main stream' opposed to green magazines.
When will it filter through into policy? Maybe government cant cope with climate change and peak oil at the same time?

Biofuels caused food price rise - official

Secret World Bank report says that the rise in biofuel production led to world food shortage earlier this year along with the steep price rises.

See this link for further details

Time for a major rethink surely and that rethink must include the point that we need to change our behaviour to use less fuel not just find substitues for oil which make the poor hungry.