Sunday 6 January 2008

How much electricity are you using?

The use of electricity at home is a significant source of CO2 emissions for the individual. Cutting energy use can therefore make a contribution to cutting greenhouse gases as well as saving you money. With electricity prices rising all the time - cutting use will help you keep expenditure on budget.
I use a little devise called an Electrisave which gives you a 24 hours constant readout of the energy I am actually using in the house at any given time. The readout can be modified to give either a reading in Kw being used, cost in pounds of the electricity being consumed or the kg of CO2 being produced.

This devise has been featured on Newsnight and I have found it a constant reminder (it sits on the breakfast table) of energy use and as a result it regularly prompts me to get up and turn of lights, stereo standbys etc. It also given you a graphic reminder how much energy a cooker, kettle or tumble drier consumes when in use. Again it helps me modify my behaviour to save energy.

The Electrisave is easy to install and costs around £50 and is available from Amazon or the Ethical Superstore
Give it a go - it will save you money and cut your energy use.

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